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Attribution CC BY. Most of the chapters and information are sufficient for a basic non-majors biology course- I think the links with QR codes are appropriate for the tech savy student and still basic enough giving the specific website URL for those non-traditional Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less.
Most of the chapters and information are sufficient for a basic non-majors biology course- I think the links with QR codes are appropriate for the tech savy student and still basic enough giving the specific website URL for those non-traditional students at community colleges. I think most of the material is accurate as can be, however being an open resource instructors have other options to supplement the materials if they choose to use this particular text source as their text book for the course.
I think the connection to current event and other aspects that highlight applications to real world examples that a non major or even a majors student, who is not quite sure what field of Biology or science they want to pursue is helpful introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free Biology is NOT just about studying cells.
I think читать далее the most part the layout and way of organization of the materials is fairly consistent, I like the end of chapter glossary as well as questions that also include critical thinking questions to help students focus on the terminology as well as apply them to more thought engaging type of critical thinking types of assessments.
Yes, I think each section of the topics are divided in an easy enough format. This appears to be similar to most publisher textbook layouts that I have used over many years. Most of the figures, tables and graphs are very basic- free content, however depending on the institution if using this OER text as supplemental or perhaps instructor can supplement with other figures, tables, video etc. Overall I think this is a great basic biology text book, comparable to publisher textbooks that cost more.
Concepts of Biology includes almost everything that Introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free would normally include in a one-semester General Biology course. In Chapter 5, I found the coverage of environmental adaptations in photosynthesis to lack depth, and I included another resource Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less. In Chapter 5, I found the coverage of environmental adaptations in photosynthesis to lack depth, and I included another resource introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free add more detail to my course.
One instructor resource is a list of errata that can be downloaded as a pdf; errors that have been found by users and updated. The list introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free short, and errors appear to have been corrected. I encountered no inaccuracies that affected my class. Generally content and terminology are up to date. However the genetic engineering content could be updated. In Chapter 10 there is a link to a video about genetic engineering that was created ineighteen years ago.
Concepts of Biology is very clearly written, with a consistent layout that is easy to navigate. Each section opens with clearly stated learning objectives that I modify and add to my own teaching materials. Each chapter has an alphabetical list of key terms. Each section of a chapter is a good length and clearly written.
The entire book can be searched for a particular word or phrase — there must be an exact match. The textbook is consistent both internally and with most conventions in the Biology Discipline. Chapter organization and writing style are consistent among all sections. I am particularly pleased with the sections of the text. Bite-sized sections can be assigned to accompany lecture, video, practice questions, and in-class lecture or lab activities.
Sections and Chapters are organized in a manner similar to most mainstream Biology textbooks. The organization is such that it would be easy to include or omit entire sections. I can quickly find any topic through the Table of Contents. The first thing that I notice is the sleek, responsive, intuitive user interface of OpenStax; it is easy to navigate the table of contents to open a specific section of each chapter.
Pearson has a similar but less responsive interface for introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free eBooks. Many of the images are just okay; some introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free fairly hard to see. Many images are quite nice, and I have used them in my teaching materials when teaching with a non-OER text. Generally I have not found grammatical errors. This text could be improved by highlighting and showing images of a larger proportion of non-white, non-male researchers.
Most researchers who are highlighted are historical, white, and male. As for non-scientists, examples appear to be culturally sensitive.
The book has avoided some missteps common in other texts; for example Concepts of Biology thankfully does not focus on human populations in its explanation of life tables. The cost of STEM textbooks is a true barrier for many students; a substantial number of students will not buy the textbook, will share with a peer, settle for an older edition, and at the start of the semester many ask whether the textbook truly is needed for class. Then a number of students do not obtain their introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free until after the introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free has begun.
This dynamic is detrimental to their learning. Students who are not STEM majors may see a Biology textbook cost as an even introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free barrier; why pay big money for a textbook that they will use for one semester, and then never need again? Offering an open education resource textbook is therefore an appealing option that also assures that all bluestacks 64 bit windows 10 free will have access to the course textbook.
I have used two non-OER texts that are quite popular, and I was concerned that making the switch to an open education resource would be a downgrade for student experience. My philosophy for my nonmajors students is that all students and I will learn from each other and walk away with an increased understanding of a number of topics in biology.
Understanding biology and the process of science can help us confidently analyze biology-related headlines in the mainstream news, and can enable us to advocate for our selves, families, friends, and communities in biology-related decisions. If a textbook is free and online, students will have access to this resource during class and for the foreseeable future; this extended availability aligns with my teaching philosophy. Instructor resources are provided: PowerPoint slides, Microsoft Word test banks, and in-depth answers for practice questions.
There are course cartridges for Canvas and Blackboard. There are links to other resources that have been created by the instructor community. Students can access practice questions with suggested answers. Students can choose to work with the textbook in a browser, as a pdf, or even order a hard copy for a low price.
One thing that I particularly like for students about the OpenStax platform is that other quality textbooks are centrally available in the same platform. For example, if a student is researching a particular topic in depth for a paper or presentation, I здесь direct them to a relevant section of OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology or Microbiology. Highly comprehensive for a two-semester intro to biology course.
Animal behavior could be a topic to add for future editions. Highly relevant and up to vmware fusion mega free download in terms of content. Career suggestions are relevant for today. Biotechnology techniques mentioned are commonly employed in modern labs. Text is well broken down into individual modules that are suitable for reading assignments and frequent stopping points.
Topics are presented in a logical manner that are consistent with the structure of most biology courses. I think this book would be an excellent resource for a one-year introductory biology course. It covers all of the fundamental principles of biology and includes QR codes to several videos, activities, and websites that engage the student throughout.
The authors’ language is friendly and inviting, enticing the reader to continue. The only aspect that could be improved is imagery and figures, which can sometimes seem rudimentary and inconsistently illustrated. The introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free covers all of the major and germane concepts associated with a two semester non-majors course. Relevant, well-established biological concepts useful for any knowledge base. Some newer biotechnology advances should be added.
Depth and breadth is consistent throughout the chapters. Well organized and well labeled sections. Images and tables are introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free in a way that properly supports the text. No obvious navigation issues of note. This book is a good survey of important biological concepts that are appropriate for non-major undergraduates. Excel 2016 download windows content is accurate, error-free and unbiased. The content is нажмите чтобы перейти a simplified introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free, but that allows instructors to add detail where they see fit for their course customization.
Most of the information covered is well established biological concepts and will not change. The biotechnology chapter should be updated to include CRISPR as well as some of the new forms of vaccines that we are seeing emerge. The textbooks is clearly written.
Bolded terms with a key words list at the end of each chapter help highlight important terminology in the field that non-majors should be familiar with. With those words highlighted, the textbook does a good job of limiting unnecessary jargon that does not help with understanding. The figures and links to videos help with understanding. Chapter organization is consistent throughout the textbook which makes for easy, quick navigation. The subject of each chapter is examined at the same depth of knowledge which again allows for instructor flexibility in adding their own details to in class information delivery.
This textbook is easily divided into chapters with subheadings for smaller sections. It is easy to pinpoint the exact the reading to assign for students for each topic. The text, in most places, is not large intimidating chunks and nicely broken up with figures or videos although there are a few sections of long text blocks that could be broken up. Overall, this is a great textbook for a non-majors introductory biology course.
I find it hard to assign an expensive textbook to students who won’t use it again so having this OER option is wonderful. I would like to see answers to the questions at the end of the chapters so that students can self-assess their knowledge as well as a few sections that highlight the contributions of a diverse set of scientists to the field of biology. All concepts typically covered in продолжить чтение introductory biology course are thoroughly and concisely covered.
The accuracy of this textbook is unimpeachable. The textbook does a great job of accurately explaining the science of life for a nonmajors course. Concepts of biology will be up to date for many years to come and students who thoroughly study the book will have introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free well rounded introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free to the science of life as it pertains to current issues facing our society.
The book clearly explains each concept. It assumes the reader knows little about biology, introduces them to the concepts with a minimum of unnecessary jargon, and is well supported with introduction to microsoft publisher 2013 ppt free aids.
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