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Она изучала записку. Хейл ее даже не подписал, просто напечатал свое имя внизу: Грег Хейл. Он все рассказал, нажал клавишу PRINT и застрелился. Хейл поклялся, что никогда больше не переступит порога тюрьмы, и сдержал слово, предпочтя смерть.


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Update Guide Home Update Guide. Download PDF. Download Mastercam if asked to run or save choose to save the file. You will need a registered account at www.

Double click on the saved. Select the Installation Language. To accept the default settings choose next, select configure if changes are needed. Some common possible changes- metric instead of inches, or a nethasp instead of local hasp. Choose Yes to accept the license agreement and select Next. Mastercam will now be installed on your computer. Click on Exit to clear the installation dialog and launch Mastercam for the first time.

Mastercam installs with one default post per product. Custom posts will be brought into using the steps in the Migration section of this document — Generic posts can be downloaded from Mastercam. Individual posts can also be found on the Mastercam. Open Mastercam 2.

This guide is intended for Mastercam users who are using the default file paths in This guide will work with non-default paths, but additional steps will be needed if you used custom file paths in for example if you placed your posts or tool libraries on the network.

In Mastercam choose the File tab 4. Choose Convert and select Migration Wizard 5. Choose Advanced. The source folder will automatically direct to your folder path, whether the files are in their default locations or if they are on the network. Click Next. We suggest updating locally first, and then testing the updated files. Then after testing, the updated local Shared Mcam folder can be copied to the desired Network location and Mastercam can be set to use this new path as defined in our network installation guide.

Select the post related files as shown. This box needs to be checked to update the. Check this box to update only files, then hit next. Choose Finish to start the migration. The updating dialog will show while the files are being processed, this may take a few minutes. The log is displayed. The Migration Wizard will only update your custom files. Files that were installed with Mastercam , and have not been changed, will not be updated.

The Mastercam posts should be ready for use. Test the code carefully. Now we will go through updating other customized files such as tool libraries, operation defaults, configs, etc… Start by repeating Steps 3 — 5, then after step 5 continue below with Step 14 which will discuss the most common files types that can be updated.

On the file types page- choose your customized files. Most people will just check boxes b, c, and h – but below are descriptions on the different files that can be updated.

If you click on a type it will show you which file extension this option will update. Check this box if you have your operation defaults set — for instance- if you have rapid retract defaulted on- or wear cutter comp etc. Check this box if you have tool libraries set up with your feeds and speeds, etc. Check this box if you have customized material selected on the tool setting job setup page.

Check this box if you use the Wire product and have customized wire-power libraries. Check this box if you use a customized setup sheet from the right click setup sheet function. Check this box if you use the Renishaw probe programming add-in to update the Renishaw posts. Check this box to update your config- tolerances, converter settings etc. Check next and repeat steps from above to complete the process. If you have custom drawn tools, you will need to run the wizard again setting the source folder to the tools folder and the destination folder to the tools folder and choosing the part files option on the file types page.

These screen shots show the default paths for mill tools- the paths may need to be edited to suit your needs. There are a few settings in the Configuration that may need to be looked at after updating.

From the Mastercam menu choose the File Tab Choose Configuration Choose the Converters topic. In every Mastercam seat has the solids option, you may want to change your converter settings to solids and Edge curves instead of Trimmed surfaces and edge curves. For assemblies- the solid names can now also be used as the level names.

Ex- different setup, or index work. Mastercam from install is set that if you change the Gview the planes change with it. When these options are checked sometimes users will go to a front view to check a cut depth in backplot, then just spin the model back using the mouse.

Unchecking these options separates your view commands from your plane commands resolving this issue. These settings have been moved to the View tab in the Mastercam Ribbon. Display part information – brings up the brown system origin crosshairs on start up. Website Registration To download the latest version of Mastercam you must have a registered account. You will need to register your account every year. Go to www. Click on the Register button- Fill out the required information 3.

Hit the Create Account button 4. Close your browser 5. Check your email- there should be an email from Mastercam. Click on the link in your email to validate your email address — the email also contains your login name 7.

This should open you browser, and you should be able to choose Proceed to login 8. Use the login name from the email and the password you set up. To generate a linking code follow one of the next steps depending on which version of Mastercam you currently have installed. Using a stand-alone sim In Mastercam choose the file tab- and choose community and then Link on Mastercam. If you are using a Nethasp — you will need to download the following link and save it to your Mastercam install folder.

Then double click the MastercamDotComLinking. If you are running X7 you need to download this link and save it to your Mastercam install folder —then double click the link to generate the code. Hit the copy button to copy the code and paste it into the Mastercam. Recommend Documents. Update Update – Rackcdn. Remember me Forgot password?


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